Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I Admire...

Good times fade away, and bad times never last forever. There is a believe that nothing lasts forever. For better or for worse, the good times come and go, and the bad times never last forever. However there are still many of us that wishes happiness through all aspects of life. Sometimes there are people that bless your life and make curved aisles straight. The ones that are there to put a smile on your face, as well wipe your tears when they cause them are the ones that should have your heart. You become everything you are just having them love you. My brother Adin is my begginning and my end through out everything life has offered, through the good and the bad times. Adin is not my brother by blood, but he is closer to my heart than I am to my own self. Though stubborn and pretend never to listen, the most admiring words said by him was i can do anything i put my mind to if i stop telling myself "I cant". With the good and bad times life restlessly throws, its safe to say that there are many times ahead that I will fall, but i know he will be there to catch me always. I'll always be everything that I am, simply because he loves me.