Sunday, September 14, 2008

Anne Bradstreet's Biography

Anne Bradstreet was born at Northampton, England to Thomas and Dorothy Yorke in 1612. Growing up, she was with little education. In her lifetime, women were not receiving the privilege to attend school. Fortunately for her, she was educated with eight tutors and also from her father. Like it should be for most, her father was always willing to teach her daughter new things. She was an inquisitive young woman which met her needs to thirst for knowledge. With her father a Steward, Anne was exposed to writing of well know authors. In 1628, she married Simon Bradstreet. Bradstreet and her family left England on March 28, 1630 to the New World in hopes to protect Puritan values. Though life proved to be very difficult, Anne managed to raise eight children and live through the hardships of her new life, and found comfort in her writing. Bradstreet received many criticism and cultural bias due to the fact women were believed to be intellectually inferior. Most critics believed she stole her poetry ideas from men. When her first publication of The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America was released, John Woodbridge, her brother-in-law, had to write: "By a Gentle Women in Those Parts" on the title page to assure readers that Bradstreet did not neglect her duties as a Puritan woman in order to write. There had to be clear evidence that Anne sacrificed her time to write her poetry. As she fought for what she believed, Bradstreet tiredly stresses in her woks the fact that women are worth something.

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