Monday, November 17, 2008

Career Bibliography

Freidin B; Timmermans S; (2007). Mothers with American Journal of Social Science &
Medicine 65 (7): 1351-63. Retrieved from EBSCO HOST database.

A study sample of fifty caretakers of school children with asthma along with nine health professionals was conducted in the USA to help better understand the process by which women take extensive caretaking roles and how it affects them financially. This study examined how health professionals socialize mothers into better taking good care of their children with asthma. It also identifies better ways for mothers to better perform that role and the impact it can have on mothers in better knowing how to guide their children who suffer from asthma. Health workers also go the extra step by helping the children with articulation however, the price for this job can be overbearing to mothers. This article serves a purpose in further understanding some roles that pediatricians have to assume. Working with children proves a challenge for pediatricians due to the fact it takes understanding of both the parent and the child to be able to prescribe any remedy. However, what is not mentioned is whether or not it is an expertise for pediatricians to be able to accomplish helping children with articulation. It also lacks specific training required to help children with asthma to better articulate.

Olm-Shipman C.(2003). Jernstedt GC Education for Health: Change in Learning & Practice. 16
(3): 339-47. Retrieved from EBSCO HOST database.

Partners in health education in a medical school with only first and second year students and elementary teachers give a message about health to students. Their first aim is to help medical students with their communication skills by teaching children about health. Their second aim is to teach children about ways to preventing injury, disease, and to support teachers with their own effort. At the end, this all contains an assessment impact to the medical student. These sixteen first and second year medical student were to comprise their participants for the study which were assessed during the first and fourth years in teaching by the use of variety. This article contains an encouraging message that there are prior to even entering medical schools that help students pursue their future career. In wanting to deal with heath, this encouragement will help make preparations for the future. However, there was no indication made as to what high schools actually provide this kind of mentoring. Also, although it takes about health and its need to know basis about any kind of doctor, there is no specifics about pediatricians. The articles also does not mention the end result of this experiment as to whether the student found this health message helpful or not towards their medical career.

Peterman J. F. (2005). Desbiens NA Journal of Medical Ethics. 31 (1): 21.Retrieved from
EBSCO HOST database.

Current argument present addresses the notion of whether or not physicians should be able to use alcohol when they are on duty. In the article read, authors review the perception of physicians who consume alchohol themselves when they are on call. Many argue that this is a private behavior not public information whether or not they drink on call or not. One major argument by most physicians is that alcohol is part of medicine and a way to understand alcohol is to practice it and understand how it works on the body. For now, The American Medical Association prohibits practicing medicine under the influence of alcohol. While on call, physicians are not to consume any alcohol, as researchers feel that they place their patients at risk. Ultimately, I now know that even when practicing health, there will always be conflicts about my own health. For starters, some of my own colleagues might be under alcohol consumption themselves. It tells me to be aware and not to allow the practice of medicine when perusing my career, to not let the career gain control of me. What this article fails to mention are ways to prevent being involved in alcohol while on duty and what causes a physician of all people to take this risk with their own health.

M. T. Clarke.(2007). Pediatrics on the Web: 10 Years of Innovation and Discovery of Pediatrics, 119(4): 661 - 669. Retrieved from Ebsco Host database.
Heath care has become one of the most needed skills needed into days society. In effort to establish hopes in promoting health, and drawing the attention proof those who seek to pursue health, ways of making the study easier are being provided all around the world. Online technology has been improving for course online to be able to help. A small section of this technology is dedicated to pediatricians in which articles, journals, and newspaper editions have been collected to further help those who seek to desire to major in that field. This article gives at least a hint or relief that pursing a medical field with children is very much welcomed. There are many who require help, and very few there to aid them, thus making my career a necessity in society. The flaw with this technology is that this online recourse is that it does not serve with communication between other pediatricians. Communication of those in the same field would have been more helpful.

Krol, David M. (2004). Educating Pediatricians on Children’s Oral Health: Past, Present, Future
Vol. 113 Issue 5, pe487-e493, 7p; [Abstract].Pediatrics Abstract retrieved from Ebsco
Host database.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) policy Oral Health Risk Assessment Timing and Establishment of Dental Home are seeking ways have pediatricians play roles in the oral health of children. The purpose behind this is to determine how well pediatricians can treat children’s oral health by examining oral health content while pediatricians they go through educational process. Most pediatricians have stated that the time spent on oral health education during training is inadequate. Overall, educational programs are being instituted to encourage future pediatricians in children’s oral health. This article aids in gaining insight that children are the number one priority of pediatricians throughout the text. There is also an impression made that not only pediatricians, but however, there are organizations seeking make improve future pediatricians with better education. What this article lacks however, is its failure to mention whether or not oral education is a requirement for pediatricians. Also, since this type of oral health education requires schooling, the author fails to mention how many years of schooling oral health would take.

Marberg, Hilde M. (2007). Teaching Child Psychiatry to Pediatrician. Vol. 45 Issue 6, p1012, 5p.
Pediatrics Abstract retrieved from Ebsco Host database.

Recent case study presents programs aimed at enabling pediatricians to detect and handle instances of incipient or slight psychological disturbances in their pediatric clinics. Emphasis so far has been placed teaching pediatricians on interview techniques, diagnosis, and preventive work; Division of the course is split into a theoretical part of lectures and case discussions and a practical part of examining children and their families. Working with children by understanding of this article does not only lie in the walls of a clinic. Also, it is transparent that schooling for pediatricians are very popular and there are endless ways in seeking to help pediatricians improve. Factors not given however, the effects pediatricians go through when they are not able to help the children and their families. It can be assumed that it would break a doctor if they were not able to help their patience.

Shaw, Edward B. (2006). Pediatrics Residency training. Part 2, Vol. 38 Issue 4, p735, 4p; 66.
Pediatrics Abstract retrieved from Ebsco Host database.

The importance of quality and duration of pediatric residency training in the U.S. impacts residency training and certification on the degree of skill adequate for pediatric practice. Assessments conducted have tried to outline objectives of the Institute on Pediatrics Residency Training in the re-affirming the significance of teaching of clinical pediatrics. However, there are changes in general practice and the loss of hospital privileges for the residency practices. This article demonstrates that even with the mindset of seeking to be a pediatrician, challenges will prove very difficult. In pursing this field’s education, not everything will flow into place. Residency will prove a challenge. What this article does not mention is perhaps key roles or ideas to better prepare and avoid inadequate training under residency when pursuing the pediatric field.

Austin, Glenn. (2000) 3p A New Age For Pediatrics: Change, Challenge, and Cost. Vol. 70 Issue
4, p643, Pediatrics Abstract retrieved from Ebsco Host database.

The American Academy of Pediatrics is trying to promote pediatrics by trying to increase the number of pediatricians with early training stages and familiarity of child development. Some feel that since the job entails working with children, pediatricians in training need to build closer relationship between day-care centers. Benefits of senior pediatrician can bring to a day-care experience and can be of help to day-care facilities while encountering in establishing a closer relationship between pediatricians and day-care centers. There is hope towards the idea that one does not need to wait till later in life to be able to start aiming towards their career. Child development helps to understand children of different age groups while still preparing for pediatric role. The change of scenario and challenge of working in a day care center was provided, however, nothing about its cost. Also, there are no references indicating whether or not day care center will be opened to students just seeking for the experienced before they are actually faced with their career.

D. Parekh, M. A. Miller, D. Borys, P. R. Patel, and M. E. Levsky. Transdermal Patch Medication
Delivery Systems and Pediatric Poisonings, 2002-2006. Clinical Pediatrics,
September 1, 2008; 47(7): 659 – 663.

Payment for the services of pediatricians who conduct diagnostic clinics checks are the most frequently falling by flat rates, either per unit of time or per clinic session, somewhat less frequently by using the part-time salary system, and only rarely on the basis of the fee-for-service system. Pediatricians receive fees most frequently and flat rates or part-time salaries less frequently. Although careers are meant to come from the heart, if the payment does not guarantee human needs it serves only its passion and not helping ensure survival of any individual. This article does not indicate any references towards what happens to pediatricians when they continue to receive flat rates and what actions their units take into helping their health providers. Its good to be well prepared, and this article, does not help to do so.

Charlotte W. Lewis, David C. Grossman, Peter K. Domoto, and Richard A. Deyo. The Role of
The Pediatrician in the Oral Health of Children: A National Survey. Pediatrics, Dec
2000; 106: e84.

The Health Institute University of Washington has made its objective to assess pediatricians’ knowledge, attitudes, and professional experience regarding oral health and to determine willingness to incorporate fluoride varnish into their practices. The reason for all this lies with the fact a minority of children especially those poor have limited access and suffer from disproportionately from dentist treatment. However, it is unclear to what degree pediatricians are knowledgeable about preventive oral health and the extent to which they may already be participating in prevention and assessment. The University stresses the importance to know how pediatricians value the promotion of oral health and whether they would be willing to take on additional activities aimed at its improvement. We addressed these questions in a national survey of pediatricians. The pediatrician field expands into many fields since it specifies with children. There are no clear rules of the specific of being a pediatrician. However, though knowing these kinds of doctors can be of help to oral health, little is known about the incidence of dental problems in pediatric practice, and whether pediatricians perceive barriers to their patients' receiving professional dental care.

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