Monday, October 27, 2008

Ain't I a Woman Comparison

Praise, worship, and adoration without a doubt should be crowned to those who deserve it. Depending on what is phrased and what takes place can sometimes alter the respect that is due. In Soujouner Truth's selection,"Ain't I a woman" both origional and revised versions, readers can take note that the lack of detail can shape the overall impact and impreesion it leaves on its readers. In the origional piece, readers gain a sense of insight as the author is presented to be illeterate due to her dialect. A strong message that conveyed is that perhaps one does not need to go to the best of places, know how to read and write to be able to exercise common sense. Her use of diction combined with the her dialect in a way empowers the author. Knowing her background its amazing to know that despite someone who was an ex-slave and has recieved little education can still rise up above everything else to inspire. In the revised version, Truth is presented in a poised manner as she stands in front of the crowd. The atmosphere created around her captivates even the men that sit in the crowd. Lack of detail in the revised version demonstrates an obidient crowd;however that proves false in her origional piece. A desperate tone is created through both versions of the author's speeches. It becomes imperative and transparent that the author's wish lies with strengthing and encouraging women to have a voice.

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