Monday, October 27, 2008

Disturbia character Analysis

Characteristics that reflect maternal affections are traits that should be transparent in those claiming roles as mothers. In Christopher B. Landon's movie, "Disturbia", his character Julie is presented in a manner that demonstates the exact role of an authoritative motherly figure. When first introduced to Julie, there is nothing significant to take note of. The audience can get the impression of a perfect home suited married wife with a caring heart for her son. However, just like most mother's simplicity of what some expect mothers to be capable of can easily fool its audience. "I'm sorry you are a felon". Julie says these words with a hint of sarcasm in her tone.Towards her son, she's stern and firm. One thing that does not alter in her charateristics is her sense to love. Upon losing her husband, there are those who would blame the son (Shia LaBeof) due to the fact he was the one driving when the accident occured. However, this firm figure Julie is presented with strengths her relationship with her son dispite his dissappointment. She keeps communication open to preserve what is left of her family and as the audience moves through the movie, they can take note that Julie's house is kept in a presentable manner (with the exeption of her son's) as she manages a job and still take care of her son. Landon's way of evoking a motherly figure in his movie can be no way better have been displayed through Julie. Her characteristics present are as real as they come for any average mother.

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